How to Write Humor
by Jim Foreman

Chapter Selection Menu

btn_1.gif (1461 bytes) Some good news and some bad news
btn_2.gif (1473 bytes) What is humor and why is it funny
btn_3.gif (1463 bytes) Creating humor from scratch
btn_4.gif (1461 bytes) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
btn_5.gif (1458 bytes) Structure, pace and timing
btn_6.gif (1460 bytes) The magic of three
btn_7.gif (1450 bytes) Writing humor for the general market
btn_8.gif (1463 bytes) Writing humor for the special markets
btn_9.gif (1456 bytes) Writing gags for cartoonists
btn_10.gif (1468 bytes) Writing for TV and the movies
btn_11.gif (1463 bytes) Topical and political humor writing
btn_12.gif (1459 bytes) Where angels fear to tread--what is off limits
btn_13.gif (1466 bytes) Finding a market and keeping track of your work