Colorado Days Pic
My Colorado Days

I decided to become a new person at age 50. I retired from a high-pressure job in retail sales so I could do the things that had been just hobbies before that. I wanted to write, take photos, fly and travel so I set out to make those activities complement one another.

The first change was to build a house in Black Forest, Colorado, escape from the coat and tie life in retail sales and slide into a far more laid back lifestyle that the rural area offered. Between designing the house, dealing with contractors and doing much of the work myself, a year slipped by before we could complete the move from Texas.

Our new home just happened to be half a mile from the Black Forest Gliderport which fit right in with our plans. Being only a few minutes away from the premiere glider operation in the world allowed me to go soaring most any time I wished and get in all the power flying I wanted in towplanes and delivering airplanes. A side benefit of living at 8,000 feet in the Rockies is the encouragement it gave us to spend the colder months in Baja in our motorhome. The almost total lack of anything to do while camped on the beaches in Baja led me to writing. 

During the ten years that we lived in Colorado, I wrote twelve books and over 150 magazine articles ranging in subject matter from aviation to travel to western history, humor and coal mining. Six non-fiction books were published but since my novels weren't about heaving breasts and pouting lips or else something one experiences on a bad acid trip, publishers weren't interested. These books were just sitting there on computer disks with little or no chance of ever seeing ink, so I decided to post them on the Internet for anyone who wishes to read or download them without cost. I do ask that I be given attribution if quoted and protect my copyright.

During my time at Black Forest Gliedport, I took several photos that became post cards and covers for Soaring magazine. Here are some of my favorites.

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Last modified December 06, 2003