
1 Kilo (kilogram) A little over 2 pounds
Media Kilo About a pound
1 Litro Slightly over a quart
1 Gram Same weight as 1 raisin
25 Grams 1 Ounce
1 Manojo (Handful) 1/3 Cup (1 Serving)
1 Taza 1 Cup
1 Cucharadita 1 Teaspoon
1 Cucharada 1 Tablespoon
1 Piez(a) 1 Each
1 Pizca 1 Pinch
Pizca con sal Sprinkle with salt
Sazonar con pimienta Season with pepper
Mas o menos More or less
Poquito mas A little more
Poquito menos A little less
Mervor Boil
Freir Fry
Frito Fried
Cocinar Cook
Hornear Bake
Conservar Keep
Helar Freeze
Refrescar Cool

Temperature conversions:

Celsius or Centigrade Fahrenheit For engineers, scientists, REALLY serious cooks or anyone who's just curious:

C = (F - 32) * 5/9

F = (9/5 * C) + 32


100 212
125 257
150 302
175 347
200 392
225 437
250 482
275 527

A simple rule of thumb is to double the Celsius temperature to get Fahrenheit. As they say, it's close enough for government work.

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